The Chironomids
Among the sources of evidence of past climate conditions that lie buried in the layered sediments of lake bottoms are the remains of midge larvae. Today, non-biting midges (of the insect order Diptera, family Chironomidae) are abundant almost everywhere. You may have encountered tiny adult midges lying dead beneath the nightlight in the bathroom in the morning. They lay eggs in water and their larvae go through a series of molts before they metamorphose into pupae and ultimately into flying adults. The larvae (1/16th to 1/8th inch or so in length) are cumulatively so abundant that they typically form the largest single source of animal biomass in lake-bottom sediments. As such, they contribute an important food chain link between the detrital organic matter and algae that they eat and larger benthic (i.e., bottom dwelling) invertebrates or bottom-feeding fishes.
Because of their ecological importance, this group of insects has been well studied with regard to their identity (>5000 species worldwide so far), their distribution and the conditions required for their well-being. As arthropods, their construction includes a non-living exoskeleton covering that remains more or less intact long after the decomposable organic parts of the animal are lost over time. The head capsule of these animals are particularly thick and resilient and can be found identifiably preserved in the sediments into which they settled even thousands of years ago. Features of their heads – especially the appearance of their teeth, their dentition – are used by biologists to identify them at least to the genus level.
To study the chironomids present in the distant past, 3 cubic centimeter subsamples of sediment are removed from various levels within a sediment core. Each sample is immersed in hot 5% potassium hydroxide solution for 20 minutes, which disaggregates clumped sediment particles. The resulting mixture is passed through sieves with mesh sizes of 118 μm (micrometers) and 53 μm and rinsed with distilled water. Particles larger than 118 μm and 53 μm respectively, including the head capsules of chironomids, are retained in the sieves, while the bulk of the material, including most of the disaggregated sediment particles, pass through the 53 μm mesh. The material caught by each sieve is back-washed into a Petri dish and examined using 40X power of a dissecting microscope (see Figure 1).
Watch-makers forceps are used to transfer each head capsule present within the resulting debris to a drop of CMC-10 mounting medium on glass slides. A coverslip is added and the slide is observed using 100-430X power of a phase contrast compound microscope. Identifications are made with reference to several helpful publications (especially, Brooks, SJ, Langdon, PG, and Heiri, O. The Identification and Use of Palaearctic Chironomidae Larvae in Palaeoecology. Quaternary Research Association Technical Guide No. 10. 2007). A minimum of 50 chironomid heads must be located and identified to provide sufficient data to characterize the community of these animals found at a particular depth (= age) within a sediment core. It requires 3-5 hours of painstaking work to complete the analysis of each subsample.
The composition of the chironomid community that settles into surface bottom sediments today would be very different from that found towards the deepest segments of our core sample. The climatic conditions that favor today's community are presumably quite different (e.g., much warmer) than conditions here would have been 10,000 years ago. While many of the chironomid types found in the deepest parts of our core are no longer found locally, they do occur alive and well in today's cold climate areas such as Baffin Island or Labrador or in high elevation alpine tarns. Biologists studying these high latitude or elevation types have been able to determine the environmental conditions that these living representatives require. Distribution of chironomids is particularly highly correlated with mid-summer, surface-water temperatures of the lakes where they are found. We assume that the same critters living here years ago had similar requirements to their currently living representatives that over time followed the cold water conditions they prefer polewardly as the glaciers retreated and the climate here warmed. Species that have narrow preferences for cold water conditions are especially useful as indicator species, i.e., their presence in the past suggests that this narrow range of cold conditions existed then. Such species are referred to as stenothermal (steno – (Greek) narrow + thermal – (Greek) temperature) and they can be used as "proxy" clues to reveal temperature conditions wherever or whenever they are found.
Predictive models have been constructed based on documented requirements of each of these stenothermal species. Each species' optimal mid-summer, surface-water temperature requirement contributes in proportion to that species' abundance within a chironomid community from the past (i.e., from a particular sediment level) to produce a best-guess inferred mid-summer, surface-water temperature present at the time when that layer of sediment settled out.
(For example, Heterotrissocladius, shown in Figure 2, has an optimal temperature of 11.1 C, while Sergentia, shown in Figure 3, is optimal at 9.8 C). Doing this repeatedly at intervals through the sediment core permits the reconstruction of the most-likely temperature history of the pond over time.
We extracted a first-round of 15 sediment samples at 20 cm intervals from the deepest part of our core. Preliminary results demonstrate that we need to add intervening samples, resulting in 10 cm intervals, to improve the resolution of our model-generated temperature curve. We intend to gather these additional samples (and more) when we return to the core sampling on October 25th. It will be some time before the more refined results will be available. For now, we can say that in comparison to the mid-summer, surface-water temperature of 24.5 C (76 F) at Big Pea Porridge Pond in 2008 (see Scientific Posting # 20), comparable model-generated temperatures from the earliest portions of our core are, appropriately, in the 12-18 C (53.5-64.5 F) range.
Lee Pollock
The Madison-Hills Paleoecology Project ("MPEP")
Scientific Basis of the MPEP
Lake-bottom sediments represent the most continuously detailed records of post-glacial (Pleistocene to Holocene) climate and environmental change available, and such records provide the best long term context for the dramatic physical and biological/ecological changes that have occurred during what has become to be known as the "Anthropocene" period (time since the beginning of extensive human habitation).
Who's Involved
The scientific staff of MPEP includes the following individuals, all of whom are donating their professional expertise to the project:
P. Thompson Davis, Ph.D., Dept. of Natural & Applied Sciences, Bentley College.
Brian Fowler, Quaternary Scientist, Project Director.
Lee Pollock, Ph.D., Dept. of Biology, Drew University.
Lisa Doner, Ph.D., Center for the Environmental, Plymouth State University
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Scientific Posting #21
Follow-up Plankton Tow in Big Pea Porridge Pond, August 26, 2008
To explore the composition of the plankton community responsible for the "positive heterograde" dissolved oxygen curve (see Scientific Posting No. 20), a 10 minute plankton tow was taken along a mid-lake transect with the net weighted to tow at a depth of ca 10 feet. Here is an annotated listing of some members of the plankton community at Big Pea Porridge Pond in Madison, NH, August, 2008
PHYTOPLANKTON = the microscopic, unicellular or colonial PLANT (or in one case bacterial) component of the plankton community.
Division: Cyanobacteria – blue-green bacteria
Anabaena : Chain of beads, including an occasional, larger "bead" known as a heterocyst. This is the site of nitrogen-fixation. This genus can become overly productive blooms and cause water quality problems. The neat thing about Anabaena in Big PPP is that it was not at all abundant. However, it formed some tiny ball-like masses to which a form of stalked ciliate protozoa, Vorticella-like, was attached. The beating of the cilia to create feeding currents by the Vorticella also propelled the entire colony around through the water – presumably an asset to Anabaena by bringing it to fresh nutrients and reducing its sinking rate in the water column.
Division: Crysophyta – golden-brown algae
Dinobryon: Colonial. Vase-shaped case or lorica, each with two flagella to provide some mobility to the colony. When abundant, Dinobryon sertularia gives a fishy taste to the water.
Diatoma: Colonial diatom.
Division: Chlorophyta – green algae
Asterionella – star shaped colonies. Individuals are glued to one another at one end by mucilage.
Micractinium – small spherical cells with projecting spines to aid with floatation.
Division: Pyrrhophyta – dinoflagellates
Ceratium – armor plated cell with 3 long projecting spines that assist in floatation. They are "mixotrophic", i.e., they both photosynthesize like a plant and phagocytize, eating other organisms, like an animal.
ZOOPLANKTON = the microscopic, unicellular ANIMAL component of the plankton community.
Phylum: Rotifera
Asplanchna – large sac-like rotifer. Feeds on algae and bacteria. Its presence here suggests productivity is more towards the oligotrophic side. It also suggests that pH of Big PPP is usually at or above 7 (neutrality).
Keratella feed on algae and microorganisms. They tend to have two population maxima – one in the spring and a second in the summer. They live for about 3 weeks – longer than many rotifers whose lifespan in measured in days. They tend to be associated with oligotrophic waters.
Kellicotia longispina – with 4 long spines that assist with buoyancy – slowing its sinking rate. They are typically in oligotrophic waters and have a single mid-summer population maximum.
Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Crustacea Class: Malacostraca
Order: Cladocera ("water fleas")
There are illustrations and descriptions of each of these water flea species at:
Bosmina longirostrus A small, substrate-dwelling type with antennae modified to form an "elephant trunk"-like projection. The remains of exoskeletons of this type of water flea are the most common objects of animal origin found in our deep core samples from the past.
Daphnia longiremis Their egg cases or ephippia are among the items that remain well preserved in the sediments thousands of years old in our core samples. An indicator species for cold, oligotrophic waters.
Holopedium – has an inflated body covering encased in a large gelatinous coating. Uniquely among water fleas, it swims ventral side up. It tends to be associated with lakes tending toward the acid side of the pH scale, so it's presence in Big PPP clashes a bit with the rotifer Asplanchna. An indicator species for cold, oligotrophic waters.
Leptodora – a large (up to 18 mm) and bizarre water flea with enlarged, wing-like second antennae and legs adapted for capturing rotifers and other plankton.
Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Crustacea Class: Malacostraca
Order: Copepoda
Cyclopoid copepods: club-shaped body with curved antennae or moderate length. Some are predatory, others are grazers. Undoubtedly several species.
Calanoid copepods: torpedo-shaped body with long straight antennae. Algal filter-feeders. At least two species – including one bearing conspicuous orange droplets of oil-storage reserved. This species is often associated with acidified waters.
Nauplius larva: only three-pairs of appendages. Undergo six growth stages or moults. Life cycle lasts 5-6 months.
As a rough indication of the relative abundance of these members of the plankton community at Big Pea Porridge Pond in late August, 2008, the following lists numbers observed in a 5 cc sample from a 10 minute plankton tow at 10 foot depth.
Phytoplankton (# of colonies)
300 Dinobryon slender
10 Dinobryon sertularia
600 Micractinium
60 Asterionella
80 Diatoma
10 Ceratium (individuals)
2 Anabaena
1 Dichoerca
24 Keratella
2 Asplanchna
4 Kellicottia
1 Leptodora kindtii
8 Holopedium gibberum
19 Diaphanosoma brachyurum
4 Daphnia pulcaria?
3 Bosmina longirostrus
17 Ceriodaphnia reticulata
61 Calanoid copepods
49 Cyclopoid copepods
(Click on the image below to be linked to a slideshow of more images of community members)
Lee Pollock
To explore the composition of the plankton community responsible for the "positive heterograde" dissolved oxygen curve (see Scientific Posting No. 20), a 10 minute plankton tow was taken along a mid-lake transect with the net weighted to tow at a depth of ca 10 feet. Here is an annotated listing of some members of the plankton community at Big Pea Porridge Pond in Madison, NH, August, 2008
PHYTOPLANKTON = the microscopic, unicellular or colonial PLANT (or in one case bacterial) component of the plankton community.
Division: Cyanobacteria – blue-green bacteria
Anabaena : Chain of beads, including an occasional, larger "bead" known as a heterocyst. This is the site of nitrogen-fixation. This genus can become overly productive blooms and cause water quality problems. The neat thing about Anabaena in Big PPP is that it was not at all abundant. However, it formed some tiny ball-like masses to which a form of stalked ciliate protozoa, Vorticella-like, was attached. The beating of the cilia to create feeding currents by the Vorticella also propelled the entire colony around through the water – presumably an asset to Anabaena by bringing it to fresh nutrients and reducing its sinking rate in the water column.
Division: Crysophyta – golden-brown algae
Dinobryon: Colonial. Vase-shaped case or lorica, each with two flagella to provide some mobility to the colony. When abundant, Dinobryon sertularia gives a fishy taste to the water.
Diatoma: Colonial diatom.
Division: Chlorophyta – green algae
Asterionella – star shaped colonies. Individuals are glued to one another at one end by mucilage.
Micractinium – small spherical cells with projecting spines to aid with floatation.
Division: Pyrrhophyta – dinoflagellates
Ceratium – armor plated cell with 3 long projecting spines that assist in floatation. They are "mixotrophic", i.e., they both photosynthesize like a plant and phagocytize, eating other organisms, like an animal.
ZOOPLANKTON = the microscopic, unicellular ANIMAL component of the plankton community.
Phylum: Rotifera
Asplanchna – large sac-like rotifer. Feeds on algae and bacteria. Its presence here suggests productivity is more towards the oligotrophic side. It also suggests that pH of Big PPP is usually at or above 7 (neutrality).
Keratella feed on algae and microorganisms. They tend to have two population maxima – one in the spring and a second in the summer. They live for about 3 weeks – longer than many rotifers whose lifespan in measured in days. They tend to be associated with oligotrophic waters.
Kellicotia longispina – with 4 long spines that assist with buoyancy – slowing its sinking rate. They are typically in oligotrophic waters and have a single mid-summer population maximum.
Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Crustacea Class: Malacostraca
Order: Cladocera ("water fleas")
There are illustrations and descriptions of each of these water flea species at:
Bosmina longirostrus A small, substrate-dwelling type with antennae modified to form an "elephant trunk"-like projection. The remains of exoskeletons of this type of water flea are the most common objects of animal origin found in our deep core samples from the past.
Daphnia longiremis Their egg cases or ephippia are among the items that remain well preserved in the sediments thousands of years old in our core samples. An indicator species for cold, oligotrophic waters.
Holopedium – has an inflated body covering encased in a large gelatinous coating. Uniquely among water fleas, it swims ventral side up. It tends to be associated with lakes tending toward the acid side of the pH scale, so it's presence in Big PPP clashes a bit with the rotifer Asplanchna. An indicator species for cold, oligotrophic waters.
Leptodora – a large (up to 18 mm) and bizarre water flea with enlarged, wing-like second antennae and legs adapted for capturing rotifers and other plankton.
Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Crustacea Class: Malacostraca
Order: Copepoda
Cyclopoid copepods: club-shaped body with curved antennae or moderate length. Some are predatory, others are grazers. Undoubtedly several species.
Calanoid copepods: torpedo-shaped body with long straight antennae. Algal filter-feeders. At least two species – including one bearing conspicuous orange droplets of oil-storage reserved. This species is often associated with acidified waters.
Nauplius larva: only three-pairs of appendages. Undergo six growth stages or moults. Life cycle lasts 5-6 months.
As a rough indication of the relative abundance of these members of the plankton community at Big Pea Porridge Pond in late August, 2008, the following lists numbers observed in a 5 cc sample from a 10 minute plankton tow at 10 foot depth.
Phytoplankton (# of colonies)
300 Dinobryon slender
10 Dinobryon sertularia
600 Micractinium
60 Asterionella
80 Diatoma
10 Ceratium (individuals)
2 Anabaena
1 Dichoerca
24 Keratella
2 Asplanchna
4 Kellicottia
1 Leptodora kindtii
8 Holopedium gibberum
19 Diaphanosoma brachyurum
4 Daphnia pulcaria?
3 Bosmina longirostrus
17 Ceriodaphnia reticulata
61 Calanoid copepods
49 Cyclopoid copepods
(Click on the image below to be linked to a slideshow of more images of community members)
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From Scientific Posting #21 |
Lee Pollock
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